Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bad Calls

These are...
Photo by Robin Kanouse.
It wasn't going to be long before this blog touched on perhaps what is the bane of my existence: referees. There is so much to be said about the notorious act of the bad call, both in example and solution, that it seems misplaced to focus on it too intently. Fuckwits are simply that and do not merit too much consideration, unfortunately so many of them seem to find their way into the refereeing and/or umpiring occupation (maybe there should be an additional category for umpires, say, asshats as opposed to fuckwits).

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Alien-People Sex

On June 4th... GERBIL PEOPLE!
Photo by Martin Rodriguez.
I choose such a ridiculous title for today's observations in a sort of smart-ass backlash to their subject, observations concerning the so-called "sci-fi-horror-thriller" splice. With such a ballsy amalgamation of genres you would think some obscure yet relevant, varied yet honed film would be produced, especially when you got the potential of an Adrien Brody lead. But, throw in some other no-names, a screenplay by the same guy that wrote Cube (a good flick, but nothing more than a classier Canadian Saw), and a bit too many screenings of the Species quadrilogy, and this smorgasborg of fuck-all is what you get.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Wonders of the World

The Smithsonian Castle, a nice slice of the epicness of the area surrounding it.
Photo by Andinarvaez.
I have to apologize for my extended absence, I had some pressing family matters to attend to which were quite nice but meant a week of dealing with the hellhole that is traveling in the modern United States. While I was making this trip due to very important family commitments, it also happened to coincide with my birthday, a coincidence that I was going to take full advantage of.